Changes in RCTIC´s CSS line-up!

March 15th, 2009

RCTIC eSports club CounterStrike Source team have made some changes in their line-up. [flag fi] Kermiis has no-more motivation to play anymore so he decide to leave gaming behind and start new life. So RCTIC CSS team pick Roope “F0rbes” Kopola their sixth player to mainline and start searching new backup player. New backup found fast and this new RCTIC cs-monkey is Ville “bEndek” Elimäki.

Ville is 18 years old cs addict from Finland. He has been cs player since CounterStrike came. Ville has a long clanhistory in CS 1.6 but he is perhaps mostly known from Afterlife gaming. In Ville’s CounterStrike Source clanhistory the famous teams are [flag fi] exe and [flag fi] SCUBA. And what kind of person Ville is in real life? RCTIC’s CSS player Kimmo “criti” Jäntti has known Ville since times of kindergarten and he said Ville is normal and nerd. So i think he is normal finnish cs player and good addition to our CSS lineup. Hopefully they will pwnzar ClanBase OpenCup with whis line-up..i mean ofcourse they will pwnzar OpenCup and coming up lan events with this ultimate line-up!

Please welcome a new ultimate polarninja of RCTIC’s CSS-team, Ville “bEndek” Elimäki!

RCTIC’s CounterStrike Source line-up:
[flag fi] Antti-Ville “vervaL” Jelekäinen
[flag fi] Sami “s|y” Sipilä
[flag fi] Kimmo “criti” Jäntti
[flag fi] Marko “fAzu” Takala
[flag fi] Roope “F0rbes” Kopola
[flag fi] Ville “bEndek” Elimäki

Picture of Jere Alanen
Jere "LeLE" Alanen is one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Happy birthday RydeR!

March 8th, 2009

This sunday is big day for one of RCTIC’s little babies, because today our long time manager and Day of Defeat Source team leader Joonas “RydeR” Järvinen, is having his 21st Birthday and therefore we would like to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Joonas has been part of my and Toni’s multigaming organizations for long time. He has helped us in many problems and he has been a great support in many things. Joonas and his mohawk have been indispensable help in our organizations and i really hope we’ll never lost him.

I wish really happy birthday for Joonas and have a extremely happy and nice day with your family and girlfriend and especially with your great mohawk!

RCTIC wish Happy birthday for Joonas!

Picture of Jere Alanen
Jere "LeLE" Alanen is one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC eSports announces new sponsor: Red Devil

March 4th, 2009

Today we here at RCTIC eSports Club are extremely happy to announce that from now on we are having a sponsorship with a Finnish company, which provides energy drinks: Red Devil. So, from now on, Red Devil will be providing energy drinks for our gaming-teams at upcoming LAN-events. The person who took care of this by our side, is Kimmo “NohNoh” Wossilus and he is really happy about the result of discussions with Red Devil.

Statement by COO of RCTIC eSports, k3mpo:
“Today is really great day for us here at RCTIC eSports as we can announce our sponsorship with a Finnish company named Red Devil. We really hope that our co-operation with Red Devil will last for really long time.”

Statement by Red Devil:
“Red Devil have started the new year with a step to the world of eSports. We believe that our co-operation with RCTIC eSports will be good for both of us and that they will be doing great at their own business, which is eSports.”

Red Devil

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC eSports CSS-team adds sixth!

March 1st, 2009

Today we here at RCTIC eSports are happy to announce a new member of our own CounterStrike Source team. This new crazy polarninja is Roope “F0rbes” Kopola.

Roope is 21 years old cs-monkey from Finland. He started playing CSS since it came in markets. Roope has got long clanhistory and most clans in there are very big names like everfrost, dtekt-esports,mipc and auriga. He is very motivated, talkative and positive dude so he´s very good addition in our CSS team.

Please welcome a new member of RCTIC CSS-team, Roope “F0rbes” Kopola!

[flag fi] vervaL
[flag fi] s|y
[flag fi] criti
[flag fi] fAzu
[flag fi] Kermiis
[flag fi] F0rbes

Picture of Jere Alanen
Jere "LeLE" Alanen is one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Happy birthday NohNoh!

February 20th, 2009

Today the leader of our Call of Duty 4 team, [flag fi] Kimmo “NohNoh” Wossilus , is having his 28th Birthday and therefore we would like to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Kimmo is one of the oldest guys in RCTIC and he´s big boss of our CoD4 team. Kimmo is also owner of which is RCTIC eSports club´s mainsponsor. He also has family, wife and baby.

RCTIC wish Happy birthday for Kimmo!

Picture of Jere Alanen
Jere "LeLE" Alanen is one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC eSports expands to DoD:S

February 11th, 2009

Few days ago we already announced the addition of our second gaming-team as we brought in a Counter-Strike: Source team, [flag fi] North92. Now we have decided to add our third team and this time we are expanding to Day of Defeat: Source.

The team which will be representing our name in DoD:S-scene is Finnish team of [flag fi]. Team has been playing together since 2006 with having one break on their way to this day. Team consists of 10 players, including one backup player. Most of them aren’t so well-known, but of course there is few more well-known players also like [flag fi] taateli, who has been part of Afterlife. Then former player of Tempesta, [flag fi] jbz and former Twilight player, [flag fi] sammyz.

Our new DoD:S team is planning on taking part on every upcoming online tournaments, where they just find time to take part to. As for start, upcoming ESL Spring.

Brand new DoD:S team of RCTIC eSports

[flag fi] RydeR
[flag fi] taateli
[flag fi] jbz
[flag fi] zAgge
[flag fi] PassengeR
[flag fi] sammYz
[flag fi] zr0
[flag fi] tw
[flag fi] kegi
[flag fi] Gartz (backup)

Statement by RCTIC.DoDS team:
“We are really happy to be part of an organization such as RCTIC eSports. We really hope that our co-operation with RCTIC will last for long. Thanks to RCTIC for this opportunity!”

Statement by COO of RCTIC eSports, k3mpo:
“Well, once again we are adding a gaming-team to our ranks. DoD:S is quite old game, but the game itself still has some potential and there is some really good teams in the scene of it. With the addition of this team we make sure that our name will be more well-known in the scene of DoD:S. And with team’s future plans being good, we really hope that our ways won’t be parting for long time.”

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC eSports enters CSS-scene

February 8th, 2009

Today we here at RCTIC eSports are happy to announce that we decided to add second gaming-team to our ranks. This time we added a Counter-Strike: Source team.

The team which will be representing our name in the scene of CSS is Finnish team of [flag fi] North92, from now on known as RCTIC.CSS. The team itself is about one month old and was formed by [flag fi] vervaL, who gathered some of his old mates to this team. This team is motivated and players have gain lots of experience in the past. First off, Kermiis have played for Team Next three players, [flag fi] vervaL, [flag fi] fAzu and [flag fi] s|y, have played together for MIPC. VervaL and s|y have also played for TheMajestic12 in the past. Last player of team is a upcoming talent, [flag fi] criti, who have played for g2g in the past.


[flag fi] vervaL
[flag fi] Kermiis
[flag fi] s|y
[flag fi] fAzu
[flag fi] criti

Statement by vervaL:
“Hello Counter-Strike Source scene! We are the new CSS team of the RCTIC eSports organization. We are very excited to be a part of such a well managed organization and we are going to do our best to achieve both LAN and online victories. Even though some of us have already played in same team and also in a LAN-tournament, there is still some practicing to do. We’re looking forward to play some fun CSS with a lot of you guys! First tournament we are going to participate in is the Counter-Strike:Source Pro Combo at the Assembly Summer 2009 in Helsinki.”

Statement by COO of RCTIC eSports, k3mpo:
“We’re really happy to announce North92 as our first CSS team. They are motivated and experienced players which will help them to become one of top teams in Finland. We’re really looking forward the co-operation with this team.”

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC eSports adds CoD4 team

January 18th, 2009

Today we here at RCTIC eSports are happy to announce the addition of our very first gaming-team to our ranks. The game where this team will be representing our name is none else than Call of Duty 4.

The team we are adding to our ranks is a Finnish team, [flag fi] NastyBitches. Our brand new cod4 team have played together for about one month for now but they have already proved, that they got the motivation and potential what we’re looking for in this team, as they have already played well against top teams, for example H2k-Gaming.

RCTIC.CoD4 will probably be seen at upcoming Finnish LAN, Assembly Winter ’09.


[flag fi] Solmyr
[flag fi] Huuhis
[flag fi] Juke
[flag fi] ZeiZei
[flag fi] NohNoh

Statement by team leader, NohNoh:
“First off all I want to say thanks to Rctic for the change to get good organization behind us and now we can focus to the GAME. I think this will be a good and long lasting relationship between Rctic and NastyBitches. We try to do our best and we will see how far it takes. Next big event would be Assembly 09 if we get the invitation. Training has started already.”

Statement by COO of RCTIC eSports, k3mpo:
“Well, we have been looking for CoD4 team, which would fit our requirements, since this organization was formed. We have been in contacts with many different teams and this team (NastyBitches) is what we’re looking for. They are motivated and they are talented and they’ve already performed quite well in leagues such as CB and ESL. So, we’re really looking forward the co-operation with this team and we hope that our relationship will last for long time.”

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC NightCup #1 – Stheno WINS!

January 3rd, 2009

Today we are hosting our very first Call of Duty 2 NightCup. Cup will be held as 16 teams funcup and it will kick off at 19.00 CET. Everything needed information can be found below.

Cup Rules
- 5vs5 S&D
- Single elimination
- CB-rules so anykind of scripts (nade, garand ..) are NOT allowed
- PAM mode
- Max rounds 12
- Pistolbash to choose sides
- Final will be played as Best-of-three
- Bronze final will be played on two maps, both teams picks their own and pistolbash to decide map/sides.
- All matches have to be recorded by all players incase of conflicts
- Scores must be reported to Cup Admin via pm at IRC
- Cup Admin(s): k3mpo

Signup information
Signups will be opened at 16.00 CET. Signups will only be taken via pm at IRC! So, when you’re going to signup your team to cup, give the following informations to Cup Admin.
- Team name
- Country
- Contact person
- Server ON/OFF

The brackets will be done by order of signups. So, team who signups as first team, goes spot of “Team #1″ in the brackets and so on. Contact informations of every team can be found below.

[flag nl] POEPSEX has been removed from the cup due to player’s CB bans

Team name – Server ON/OFF – Contact person
[flag fi] tHAPPY – Server ON – jONESSY
[flag fi] Tatti-Ojossa.Gaming – Server ON – TOG|TUTTIVAHVER
[flag eu] HYBRID – Server ON – HYBRID|KarL
[flag nl] Inmind – Server ON – inmind|soull
[flag ee] finest – Server ON – finest|teknilan
[flag eu] teamvodka – Server ON/OFF – teamvodka_asian
[flag se] FCZ – Server ON/OFF – eskarn_N
[flag eu] Team ERROR – Server ON/OFF – Hiltzi
[flag se] fakjoo – Server OFF – fukyuu\wnkr
[flag eu] defcom – Server ON – DEFCOM|rolezeh
[flag nl] OPJEBEELDSCHERM – Server ON – patrick`
[flag it] RUPZOR eSports – Server OFF – cubeAMD|deez
[flag de] neutronics – Server OFF – atr
[flag eu] R – Server ON – R|dramzzze
[flag mt] doubtful eSports – Server ON – doubtful`kata
[flag fr] – Server ON – H2k`w1ndz
[flag fi] matafak – Server OFF – matafak|matsik
[flag fi] GPR – Server ON – nurge
[flag eu] kosovo – Server ON – rtsh`cobRa
[flag mt] busted – Server OFF – 69dcool69
[flag nl] POWERHOUSE – Server ON – qewer & iera
[flag se] scubadivers – Server ON – OMGN]KEBBE
[flag cz] eSuba – Server ON – eSuba|trume
[flag fi] teenparty – Server ON – teenparty|kalle
[flag eu] EXABYTE – Server ON – dlf_snail
[flag nl] OMiGAD – Server ON – kwantumm
[flag cz] BW Gaming – Server ON/OFF – |bw|kazdy
[flag eu] Team Random – Server OFF – xinz
[flag de] newkids – Server ON – newkids_RAHZEJ
[flag de] Killer – Server ON – SL|Lynx
[flag eu] Stheno – Server on – Stheno-Matje
[flag eu] TBD – Server ON – Cwetko

Final standings
[trophy 1] [flag eu] Stheno
[trophy 2] [flag eu] teamvodka
[trophy 3] [flag eu] EXABYTE
4th [flag eu] HYBRID
5th/8th [flag se] scubadivers
5th/8th [flag cz] BW Gaming
5th/8th [flag eu] Team ERROR
5th/8th [flag fi] tHAPPY

Grand Final at 23.00 CET – Best-of-three
[flag eu] teamvodka [1-2] Stheno [flag eu]
mp_toujane: 13-11 for teamvodka
mp_burgundy: 13-8 for Stheno
mp_matmata: 13-9 for Stheno

Bronze Final at 23.00 CET
[flag eu] HYBRID [0-1] EXABYTE [flag eu]
Round 4 at 22.00 CET – mp_dawnville
[flag eu] HYBRID [12-16] teamvodka [flag eu]
[flag eu] EXABYTE [10-13] Stheno [flag eu]

Round 3 at 21.00 CET – mp_burgundy
[flag fi] tHAPPY [5-13] HYBRID [flag eu]
[flag eu] teamvodka [13-7] Team ERROR [flag eu]
[flag eu] EXABYTE [13-8] BW Gaming [flag cz]
[flag se] scubadivers [12-16] Stheno [flag eu]

Round 2 at 20.00 CET – mp_carentan
[flag fi] tHAPPY [13-11] defcom [flag eu]
[flag eu] HYBRID [13-2] Inmind [flag eu]
[flag de] neuntronics [10-13] teamvodka [flag eu]
[flag eu] FCZ [0-1] Team ERROR [flag eu]
[flag eu] EXABYTE [13-9] GPR [flag fi]
[flag cz] BW Gaming [13-10] Team Random [flag eu]
[flag de] newkids [7-13] scubadivers [flag se]
[flag eu] Stheno [1-0] TBD [flag eu]

Round 1 at 19.00 CET – mp_toujane
[flag fi] tHAPPY [13-8] fakjoo [flag se]
[flag fi] Tatti-Ojossa.Gaming [0-1] defcom [flag eu]
[flag eu] HYBRID [13-6] OPJEBEELDSCHERM [flag nl]
[flag nl] Inmind [1-0] RUPZOR eSports [flag it]
[flag ee] finest [6-13] neutronics [flag de]
[flag eu] teamvodka [13-10] R [flag eu]
[flag se] FCZ [16-14] doubtful eSports [flag mt]
[flag eu] Team ERROR [1-0] [flag fr]
[flag fi] matafak [3-13] EXABYTE [flag eu]
[flag fi] GPR [13-7] OMiGAD [flag nl]
[flag eu] kosovo [10-13] BW Gaming [flag cz]
[flag mt] busted [4-13] Team Random [flag eu]
[flag nl] POWERHOUSE [5-13] newkids [flag de]
[flag se] scubadivers [13-8] Killer [flag de]
[flag cz] eSuba [9-13] Stheno [flag eu]
[flag fi] teenparty [8-13] TBD [flag eu]

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

RCTIC wishes you Merry Xmas and Happy new year 2009!

December 24th, 2008

RCTIC eSports club wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy new year 2009!

Picture of Jere Alanen
Jere "LeLE" Alanen is one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.