Changes in RCTIC´s CSS line-up!

March 15th, 2009

RCTIC eSports club CounterStrike Source team have made some changes in their line-up. [flag fi] Kermiis has no-more motivation to play anymore so he decide to leave gaming behind and start new life. So RCTIC CSS team pick Roope “F0rbes” Kopola their sixth player to mainline and start searching new backup player. New backup found fast and this new RCTIC cs-monkey is Ville “bEndek” Elimäki.

Ville is 18 years old cs addict from Finland. He has been cs player since CounterStrike came. Ville has a long clanhistory in CS 1.6 but he is perhaps mostly known from Afterlife gaming. In Ville’s CounterStrike Source clanhistory the famous teams are [flag fi] exe and [flag fi] SCUBA. And what kind of person Ville is in real life? RCTIC’s CSS player Kimmo “criti” Jäntti has known Ville since times of kindergarten and he said Ville is normal and nerd. So i think he is normal finnish cs player and good addition to our CSS lineup. Hopefully they will pwnzar ClanBase OpenCup with whis line-up..i mean ofcourse they will pwnzar OpenCup and coming up lan events with this ultimate line-up!

Please welcome a new ultimate polarninja of RCTIC’s CSS-team, Ville “bEndek” Elimäki!

RCTIC’s CounterStrike Source line-up:
[flag fi] Antti-Ville “vervaL” Jelekäinen
[flag fi] Sami “s|y” Sipilä
[flag fi] Kimmo “criti” Jäntti
[flag fi] Marko “fAzu” Takala
[flag fi] Roope “F0rbes” Kopola
[flag fi] Ville “bEndek” Elimäki

Picture of LeLE
LeLE is a hero from Joensuu city and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

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