It has been a while since I wrote my last blog. I have been really busy with lots of stuff which have forced me to spent even more time IRL and put things on top priority. Happily weekends offer valuable time to get things rolling. There is only one week before Solid Mojo and there is still so much to do with preparing for this LAN.
Last friday we visited the champs at Pelaajan Valinta. The drive from Helsinki to Lappeenranta took a couple of hours so we had time to talk about the things happened in the past month and also of course talk about the future plans. For our favor the weather was really good and we had the time to enjoy good company and the sun.
I had early wake up in the morning so I was in Helsinki by 12am, so we arrived in Lappeenranta about 3 hours later (around 3pm). When we arrived, we had always so friendly Johnny and Kalle waiting for us. Of course they offered some fresh coffee to us which was good as we drank few cups of it while talking about businesses.
Time went quite fast when we were talking about things done lately and so on, but we got all needed stuff handled after all. The purpose of the visit was to pick up some goods, so then was time for packing. SaMZ’s small but roomy car was a just perfect in this situation as we had almost ten boxes to take with us.
We started heading back to Helsinki in afternoon. The meeting was a success and the trip went fine while listening to music. We were really happy and smiling and meanwhile also chatting about future plans. Also enjoying the evening sun was nice and it caused our spirit to rise up.
On our way back to Helsinki, we took few breaks from driving to chill for a moment. While having breaks, we decided few things. At first, we’re aiming to write a blog every two weeks, both of us. The other thing is that we’re going to get some pictures with both of us even if needed to use autoshoot in camera.
This is how you get things rolling!