RCTIC.CoD4 with changes

June 15th, 2010

The Call of Duty 4 team we brought in a bit over one month ago have faced some changes. First off, soon after Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge [flag fi] Miikka “micTAO” Lappi was removed from team and [flag fi] Jalmari “gnarly” Hakunti was brought in to replace him. Now it’s again time for someone to step down from main lineup and make room for someone.

Team was seen at Solid Mojo LAN about two weeks ago and that event wasn’t a success. But now our team has decided that it’s time to make some changes. [flag fi] Lauri “NiNLeX” Vanhanen leaves the team and is replaced by [flag fi] Niklas “laznic” Lepistö who is Jalmari’s former teammate. Niklas has also experience from LANs outside of Finland also as he has attended [flag dk] The eXperience 2009 with [flag fi] diamondZ, with what they ended up with 6th/7th placement. Jalmari got also experience from LANs outside of Finland as he joined up with diamondZ after TeX’09 and then they attended Netherlands Crossfire Challenge 7. There’s also some other chances in the team. [flag fi] Daniel “dANIII” Jansson is stepping down from team and makes room for [flag fi] Roope “robez” Hokkanen, who’s known for his time in [flag fi] x9.Syndrome, previously known as xtothed.

RCTIC.CoD4 consists of

[flag fi] Niklas “laznic” Lepistö
[flag fi] Janne “JANNE” Yläoutinen
[flag fi] Roope “robez” Hokkanen
[flag fi] Jalmari “gnarly” Hakunti
[flag fi] Santeri “Qoop” Neste

Interview with gnarly:

Hello Jalmari, could you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey. Well my name is Juuso, (some) people call me Jalmari though, and in cod4 I’m known as gnarly previously known from the Finnish mLPF team. I’m 19 years old guy who likes whole bunch of stuff and I live in the middle of the forests of Finland. My old team decided to go inactive and together with laznic we decided to join this nice upcoming Finnish bunch and I think by bringing our contribution we just might make something happen here.

You’re one of the newest members in our team, how you found your way to RCTIC?

Actually I think it was a friend of mine which I first met at some local LAN and who at one point was part of this teams early stage line-ups. Soon he introduced me to the people and asked me to play with them a little. Time passed by and I got to know the people here and I guess they thought that I was nice guy and skilled player enough for them and so they asked me to play bit more with them and since I didnt really have anything better to do with my time at the moment I decided to give it a go. It looked like they still needed one more player so I grabbed my old teammate to come along with me and here we are.

You had some changes in the team which resulted you to be new team captain. How do you feel about having this position?

Well I’m pretty happy and really confident about it, at least about all the in-game related stuff, but I don’t really think that much about it since I know I can manage it well and everything. I suppose it’s kind of nice in being in charge of things though! Being the captain means that I’m gonna do lot of stuff with the management aswell, and getting to know all the new people could be exiting. But yeah, I’m certainly looking forward to it and I’m really fond of the managers who I have talked with so far. Frankly the organizations been quite a pleasant surprise for me ;).

What kind of plans you and your mates have in the future? Any plans to attend some LANs within this year?

I know for sure that we’ll attend pretty much all of the Finnish events since traveling inside Finland is pretty easy but right now I’d rather take one thing at the time and focus more on practicing than thinking about future LANs abroad. Sure if everything goes well for everyone you might be seeing us in some European LANs with the help of our organization and if that actually happens then I’ll be looking forward to spending quality time abroad with my teammates and managers. For now me and laznic are the only ones from the team who have participated in any major European LANs before and the will to do that again is great and I think I speak for both of us when I say that we both think that we have the potential to get there again with this team if we keep practicing.

Thanks for this short interview! Any shoutouts?

I can’t really be arsed to make a huge list of names but I’d like to remember all the people who I have played with in the past and have had loads of fun with back in the days but perhaps dont talk with that much anymore, the people who I mean know if they belong there omglulzxdhehewinkwink!

3 Responses to “RCTIC.CoD4 with changes”

  1. eternium says:

    HAHHAH, Niklas :–DDDD Ränse-setä sanoo moi <3

  2. JackieBoy says:

    Good luck! :)

  3. SAmZ says:

    GL boyz :)

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