Welcome all to our new Weekly movie corner where we will post some new eSports movies every week. There will be frag movies, eSports documentaries, trailers and a huge pile of entertainment! Movies are made for everybody to watch so we decided to share some of the new ones with you regularly. Just click the title of the movie and it redirects you to the movie. In addition I added a comment with my own thoughts to each of them. So, prepare the popcorn! Enjoy!
Alive – Trailer by Aries-Films
We will start with a trailer for upcoming movie Alive. Aries-Films is known from unbeliveable 3D animations in their movies (e.g. Single Gaming 3: StreL) and they are staying on the same track. This time Aries-Films has combined two things: love and CS. It’s weird if you ask me… but it seems like it’s working. Again, there isn’t a lack of creativity in their movie.
Terra Australis by Anexias
Next we introduce you a very intensive frag movie. It includes awesome multiple takedowns, clutches, double-kills and sick shots with a nice soundtrack which creates a very tense feeling in every situation in the movie. The editing is very good too. Nothing exceptional. Just solid and beautiful.
1.3 Never Die by GVMH
Now it’s time to kick ass! It’s time for Day of Defeat 1.3! This short but serious, fast paced frag movie is awesome and it proves that the good old 1.3 still owns. There isn’t much special effects or anything but hey, why should there be? Good frags plus pumping nonstop music is enough. I love it.
Noyade by jackass
I thought a few times that should I add this movie to this time’s list too. That’s because the movie isn’t special: it’s short and it has nothing new or anything like that. It’s just a simple frag movie. It even had “already used soundtrack”. But I still wanted to add it because I still really liked it in the end. The movie has pretty good frags, good sync and you won’t get bored watching it. And then I wanted to share my thoughts about that soundtrack: I know that some of you think something like: “Oh god, again this song lolol..!” but what does it really matter? The music fits there and it’s good. Generally I hate it when some people whine about “used soundtrack” in frag movies. It is a frag movie, not a music video. Oh ye, and one more thing about the movie: it’s simple, but simple is cool.
VERY NICE TEPS MY MAN! Keep’em coming. Maybe we will see sum TF2 movies? =)
;) We’ll see..
very nice tepid
very nais
Very nice.
Masaboy kiittää ja kuittaa.. ;)