Failsomnia XII: The End

October 31st, 2010

Our first game had been sheduled to 13CET at saturday which was TF2 semi-final but as we know from friday, it didn’t go like in books.

Server was lagging, particles were freezing, players droppin and people couldn’t connect to steam. So people had unlocks on etc. Refuse wanted to start the game as if they had some hurry.. lol…i was pretty suprised that after 40mins of testing and arguing, admins told us to ”settle those problems by yourselves”. Seriously, wtf?! Also admins said that we had 1.5hours to start the match. Pretty soon after that refuse and some pwr players spoke to each other and told us that we had 3 mins until they get forfeit. How the fuck our players could play when they can’t even enter to server or even get in steam. And the whole server and network was so fuckd up. In that point i was thinking that ”what the hell is going on?”. Admins didn’t even care. Also one admin came to server twice to just told us “Mumble works”. That’s it, nothing else.. lol..what about the problems people had?

Heck…even when JackieBoy did go to tell the players and “admins” what’s our situation, they just told us to fuck off. That was sure real sportsmanship and also they were ”hurry, and don’t have the whole day to wait for the match”.

Is this professional way of handling these kind o situations? Can players decide the rules, times etc. at middle of the tournament? Where the hell was peliliiga / compo admins. Hiding under the table cause big bad pro players told ‘em what they want and how it goes!?. I’m not saying that we could’ve won the match but sheezz doesn’t people respect anything anymore.

After waiting and listening the whine, our players just rdy up and started the game. But as i mentioned about the problems of those servers and network. The situation started to blow up and people did get constant disconnects and game freezings. Also LAN mumble were on/off 15second cycles. Pretty neat.

Our tf2 team lost the match 0-2. Ok, no problem, but all these things combined together. It was fucking ridicolous.

We finished third at tf2 as we predicted and Wuming placed 9th of 64 players at tekken6. So we did well and i’m happy boys finished everything.

Afterall…the whole event was big fail for tf2 part. Seriously. Big fail. Same problems day after day. People even yelled at irc to get their money back since this shit didn’t seem to end. Also it was fail from peliliigas side. TF2 tournament was starting like in 2hours at friday but still we ain’t got any information about anything. Also there seemed to be like zero admins. After the confusion some admin just told players to eliminate maps, which was goddamn stupid. We played 3-4 times granary. It sure seemed to be a lancompo without any proper arrangements. And it even were part of the ASMW qualifiers.

Cya at next lan, though i think we won’t be coming to insomnia next year if these kind of problems still exists. Also i hope Peliliiga will do something about their compomanagement and even get their admins to arrange/observe their compos and also be strict on things their rules are based to.

I hope everyone gets home safely and had something good to remember from this weekend. At least i had a good time… at hotel with our tf2 team. Thanks guys.

8 Responses to “Failsomnia XII: The End”

  1. Jere Alanen says:

    Nyt kävi näin Failsomnia :) Nice reading!

  2. Zachu says:

    Sorry about making you guys play the granawhatever map for the 4th time or something, but it sure was our favorite (and only :D) map we knew ;) And really big hand goes to you guys throwing jokes with us and teaching us how to play tf2 in the first place ;)

    Tho Insomnia had lots and lots of troubles with network problems, you really have to understand them a bit. I can’t say much about the competition arrangement part other that the compos were really late, but as far as I know the main reason for that was the DDoS-attack they were receiving (and the fact that they didn’t throw us out of the tournament when we had to slowly download the whole game for one of our players before we could begin our maches).

    Otherwise the Insomnia-party was for me the same as last time. Nothing new, lots of old, but atleast I had fun competing against the very best in TF2 and CS, even though I suck at both games ;)

    C’ya guys at the next LAN-party, probably ours? ;)

  3. Infected says:

    As a lan-organiser (Lantrek 2011) myself I will defend Insomnia a little since I came to know couple technical aspects from inside.

    As most of the participants know there was a denial of service attack directed against Insomnias network (Internal routers + WAN routers) and to make it even a bit worse for them it was not just a random bot trying to cause havoc but an active attacker who was systematically searching for weaknesses. The huge problems caused by the attack were (to my knowledge) the problem that affected the timetables

    The reason I think this should be forgiven is due to the fact that Insomnias sized (~400) and smaller events have never before been under such attack in Finland and never have had to prepare for intentional “cyber attacks”. Because seriously, who would attack against a Finnish LAN-party and for what reason? Anyway this will naturally mean that future lan-parties will be prepared to deal with such attacks because their crippling nature.

    As for the compo organizers and everything related to them, I will not comment about them because I have no idea how things went for those things (except from what I read afterwards).

  4. furri says:

    “As most of the participants know there was a denial of service attack directed against Insomnias network (Internal routers + WAN routers) and to make it even a bit worse for them it was not just a random bot trying to cause havoc but an active attacker who was systematically searching for weaknesses. The huge problems caused by the attack were (to my knowledge) the problem that affected the timetables”

    That’s true that it affected to timetables. You can’t do nothing about it. And it should be forgiven. But those problems were still there, that’s why i mentioned it (when i wrote that blog at rage at our hotel around 02pm).

    After that (around 00:00) they informed that gamecompos will continue…well that wasn’t good decision since they knew that their servers and network are unstable. So players and every1 at LAN suffered for it. It affected the whole spirit of the event and imo they should’ve just said that we continue saturday morning while they really get in to the problem and fix it while people sleep etc. like 03-06 etc.
    Ofc it isn’t that simple, but for them, it might’ve been the best option.

    + those same problems were there at saturday too. Though we didn’t have anymore attacks since they didn’t inform about it. Or did we miss maybe something? who knows. It’s over and i hope people will learn about it.

    But as we came there for the gamecompo, it was fail for that part, and with those problems at event. It was really fail. That’s just my opinion ofc.

    There were still people enjoying every second they could, and that’s good and i’m glad that people were still there with positive attitude!

    Zachu ;))) Yeh, i’m coming to chill there and also our css team will be there for cs:s compo.

  5. Infected says:

    I think they actually thought that they had solved the problem when they first announced that the competitions should continue.

    As I said earlier the attacker was very active. This means that they changed the attack pattern and found a new router which had a flaw in it’s config. I was actually almost shocked to find out how much effort the attacker had actually put in finding the way to disable the network.

    So all in all everything was fixed until someone came in causing more shit :P

    Anyway I totally understand why you wrote the blog post the way you did. I would be pissed too if it would happen to me/my team (If I had one!). The information about the incident is anyway scarce to most people and if your team was treated the way the blog post says there truly is things that need serious attention.

    To my knowledge and experience the best way to hammer the problems to Insomnias (and any other lan-) organisation is to use their feedback form. They will most likely go through the feedback and draw new plans for their next event from that feedback (atleast that’s the way we do things in Lantrek).

    Anyway your blog post is about much more than just the problem with the network so I will now shut up here :)

  6. furri says:

    Yeah, that’s true. I can’t believe their netcrews faces when everything just started to explode again.
    And yeah, no problem Inf. It’s always nice to see that there’s still people who are interested and willing to comment their thoughts.

  7. Masaboy says:

    Surullista että joku urpo oikeesti käyttänyt noin paljon aikaa hyökkää joihinkin suomalais laneihin…

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