RCTIC @ Solid Rebirth

December 5th, 2010

Tekken 6

Our very own Tekken 6 star WuMing participated on Tekken 6 tournament at Solid Rebirth. WuMing managed to make his way through qualification and all the way to the final!

At final WuMing faced well-known opponent from past. You could say that this final was somekind of rematch between two great Tekken 6 players, Mitja “WuMing” Mieskolainen and Eric “Fraeon” Hartin.

WuMing was awarded by Ulti-mat & Cafe level 7 with Ulti-Mat mousepad + 15h gaming time to Level7

Counter-strike Source

Our CS:S team battled for bronze against team Ulti-mat and managed to win by 2-0.  Team FORJESCiSDiSZWR which included players from eXelon Gaming and CKRAS Gaming faced Team Menace on final. Menace managed to win by 2-1.

Here are the standings:

Team Menace (800€)
RCTIC eSports (200€)

Congratulations for all the teams!

Trackmania Nations

Yours truly participated on Trackmania Nations. Map was specially made for this event and it was, well… Challenging! I gave my best but this time it wasn’t enough! Maybe next time.. Fourth place with time 1.37.53

For those who want to test drive the Rebirth map, you can download it from here: http://solidrebirth.org/trackmania/maps/rebirth.Challenge.Gbx

After all, I was very pleased to see how well RCTIC were particitipating on Solid Rebirth! Good work guys!

Picture of Leca
Leca works in many projects around finnish gaming scene. In RCTIC he brings lots of ideas to organisation.

2 Responses to “RCTIC @ Solid Rebirth”

  1. Jere says:

    Welldone guys! Harmittaa aivan Vi***** se, kun jouduin lähtee perjantai iltana töiden takia, mutta ei voi mitään. Pitää ens laneille varata koko viikonloppu niin pääsee näkee porukan menoa vähän paremmin! Kiitos kuitenkin kaikille, erityisesti Sameille, lecalle ja riinalle!

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