Hello world,
Flying out to Damagermany tomorrow. Damagermany is the biggest Tekken event in Europe held in Frankfurt. 160+ Players are attending from 26 countries, including Koreans, Japanese, and Americans – the top 3 of Tekken countries. From Korea there is JDCR & Hankuma (aka Prince). From Japan, AO (WCG 2nd place). From the US, Fighting GM (last weekend winner of Final Round XIV) & Dieminion. Hopefully I can get to play them all and do interviews as well. With all of these great legendary players it will be a great competition to attend and be at the top.
Many old acquintances from Sweden and Holland (from Dreamhack & Assembly) are attending as well so will be nice to see them, too. Among them are the main organiser of Damagermany – Sabredabre. From Sweden – JFK & Cyrox. From Holland – Malekith, Wogus and Sharog.
I got nice flights for Wednesday to Sunday, the tournament days being Friday and Saturday. Hopefully will get to hang for Wed & Thu with other players at the hostel and at the venue. The extra time helps me scout out the areas and prepare the logistics for optimal travel. I’ll be back on Sunday afternoon, expect a debrief some time after that.
Follow the live streaming of the event on Friday & Saturday at
gl dude! :)
GL dude :)