NOTE: Remember the HD qualty and fullscreen mode!
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Tekken 6
Our very own Tekken 6 star WuMing participated on Tekken 6 tournament at Solid Rebirth. WuMing managed to make his way through qualification and all the way to the final!
At final WuMing faced well-known opponent from past. You could say that this final was somekind of rematch between two great Tekken 6 players, Mitja “WuMing” Mieskolainen and Eric “Fraeon” Hartin.
WuMing was awarded by Ulti-mat & Cafe level 7 with Ulti-Mat mousepad + 15h gaming time to Level7
Counter-strike Source
Our CS:S team battled for bronze against team Ulti-mat and managed to win by 2-0. Team FORJESCiSDiSZWR which included players from eXelon Gaming and CKRAS Gaming faced Team Menace on final. Menace managed to win by 2-1.
Here are the standings:
Team Menace (800€)
RCTIC eSports (200€)
Congratulations for all the teams!
Trackmania Nations
Yours truly participated on Trackmania Nations. Map was specially made for this event and it was, well… Challenging! I gave my best but this time it wasn’t enough! Maybe next time.. Fourth place with time 1.37.53
For those who want to test drive the Rebirth map, you can download it from here:
After all, I was very pleased to see how well RCTIC were particitipating on Solid Rebirth! Good work guys!
Ulti-mat Ltd has just released a new product what they have been developing for four years. Here’s little description of Ulti-mat Chill:
About Ulti-mat Chill – Pro Gaming Laser Mouse
The Ulti-mat Chill is a Pro Gaming Laser Mouse with double hand ergonomic design with Claw and Palm grips. The Ulti-mat Chill mouse feature plug-and-play features allows gamers to play at LAN events and tournaments without the need to install specific mouse drivers. The Chill mouse operate at 1000hz and have 4 “on-the-fly” DPI settings. The driver allows you to create macros or combos to your Ulti-mat Chill mouse buttons. The Ulti-mat Chill is Pro Gaming Laser Mouse with full rubber coating on Gaming mouse body. This coating gives the best grip for gamers in hardcore gaming sessions. The Ulti-mat chill has high demand laser sensor which gives out max 5040dpi. The Ulti-mat Chill mouse is designed on the gamers demand.
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Hello world!
I’m Mitja “RCTIC\WúMíng” Mieskolainen, RCTIC’s new Tekken 6 player, the first sponsored one in Finland. I’ll be bringing news and tidings of my gaming and living to RCTIC’s site. I’m also writing stories about the Tekken 6 scene @
So today I’m working late and right after work I’ll be taking the last possible train to Helsinki to spend the night at a friend – Juhana “SivariKing” Jääskeläinen who unsurprisingly plays (King) in Tekken. I mostly play Lars and Bruce, but know a lot of other characters and will be focusing in the future on learning the basics of all of the 36 characters and improving my mastery of a few of them.
Tomorrow morning I’m flying out to Norrkoping, Sweden. Juhana is taking the earliest flight at 7 am, while I’ll be taking a later one at 10 am. From there I’ll be heading to Jönköping, the actual event venue of DreamHack Winter.
I’ll be participating in the DreamHack Winter Tekken 6 RockStar Championship tournament & probably also the Super Street Fighter IV tournament, with the main focus in Tekken of course. Korean players “Knee” and “Nin” are confirmed, and will be the favourites to win. Other worthy adversaries include Juho “entomo” Gebhard, “SivariKing”, the British Ryan “Prodigal Son” Hart, Swedish Druidz sponsored player “Drz_Skatan” aka Skatanmilla, other great Swedish player “Boris” aka “The Emperor”.
In the SSF4 tourney there will also be “Drz_Skatan” along with another Druidz-sponsored Swede “Drz_Yagami”, Ryan Hart, etc.
I’ll be doing interviews of the other players and reporting on my hopeful success in the tournaments. Stay tuned! :)
aRcticware is RCTIC organization’s own one-man-testgroup which one by one reviews gaming accessories and equipment, games and computer components. The one man dealing behind the content and products is Mika “Leca” Härmä. The idea of aRcticware is to give you an honest review about different products. It won’t be enough for every product to be tested by normal methods so some will end up being tested under
very different conditions.
Reviews will contain condemn about the items verbally and in shape of RCTIC quality stars. If you want to read a truthful opinion about a product that’s in your mind leave your comment below!
Today at aRcticware: Ulti-mat mousepads!
Starring: Ulti-mat Solid x3, Ulti-mat Seven F-X2 and Ulti-mat Breathe X3
Internet gaming of today has risen to hobby, amateur and professional levels as normal sports. While games keep developing more challenging and skills advance to new heights, the equipment starts to gain attention. Yes, gaming nowadays is also dependent on equipment…
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Turnaus on herättänyt paljon mielenkiintoa ja olemme saaneet hyvää palautetta ja kyselyitä on tullut muunmuassa siitä, että onko turnaus tarkoitettu vain “vanhoille parroille”, mitä on palkintoina ja tullaanko turnauksia järjestämään tulevaisuudessa.
Palautetta on tullut esimerkiksi turnauksen pituudesta ja turnaus onkin muuttunut nyt yhden päivän turnaukseksi ja se pelataan perjantaina 10.joulukuuta. Tarkemmat aikataulut tulevat myöhemmin!
Turnaus on tarkoitettu kaikille eli siihen on tervetulleita niin uudet pelaajat kuin vanhat bäfän hakkaajat, joten eikun kaikki vaan tiimiä kokoamaan ja turnaukseen ilmottautumaan, sillä mukaan mahtuu vielä!
Turnauksen palkintoja emme voi vielä julkistaa, mutta sen voimme sanoa, että ne lämmittävät varmasti mieltä!
Turnaukseen voi ilmottautua laittamalla alla olevat tiedot joukkueesta osoitteeseen:
-Joukkueen nimi
*IRC kanava
*Kotisivujen osoite
-Kapteenin nimi ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
-Pelaajien nimet ( etu- ja sukunimi ja nick )
Turnauksia tullaan järjestämään tulevaisuudessakin,ja jo aivan lähitulevaisuudessa! Myös muihinkin peleihin kuin Battlefield 2:een.
Ja, jos on jotain kysyttävää turnauksesta niin laittakaa ihmeessä tulemaan kyselyitä yllä olevaan email osoitteeseen!