Posts Tagged ‘wasm’

CS:S team placed 4th at Winter Assembly

January 23rd, 2010

Our CS:S team have placed 4th at Winter Assembly 2010 event after losing to troublemakerz in bronzematch with mapwins of 2-0 (de_train & de_dust2). But overall, this event was a big success for our team as it was a big surprise to make it into playoffs with only one more rounds won than eXelon Gaming, who didn’t make it to playoffs. As Team zOo and eXelon Gaming was favourites of our group to advance to playoffs, no one thought that we would make it to playoffs so therefor our top4 placement is really big surprise. But congrats for our boys once again for grabbing 4th place!

There is also a VoD available from the semifinal RCTIC vs KOJOTSONLINE, you can check it over

wasm’10 semifinals

January 23rd, 2010

Some update on the Winter Assembly 2010 semifinals. Our CS:S squad just finished their game against KOJOTSONLINE. The maps were de_nuke and de_inferno and from the start of nuke it didn’t look so good for us, but they did try to hang on.

vs KOJOTSONLINE 2-0 (de_nuke & de_inferno)

Finals: KOJOTSONLINE vs Team zOo-
Bronze: RCTIC vs troublemakerz – SourceTV:

The next match will be against the loser of the other semifinal game for the 3rd and 4th place. So we are at the top4. Well done guys! Updates coming after the last game. Stay tuned!