Finnish WCG qualifiers are now over for our squad’s part after few tight matches and now I can give some updates from SaMZ’s computer. So more or less heres a few words about todays tournament.
The results were already kind of predicted since FOOZE, the in-game leader of the team, had to pass this event because of his work issues. The one replacing him was copz, so with a few week break from gaming and mix team it is not easy to get a good ripple. In the end we hit the road just to meet the other players and in the same time you get to enjoy a moment of the summer in Helsinki. In its entirety the tournament went on with pretty good vibes though the atmosphere in the venue was kinda insipid.
The results:
RCTIC eSports [9-16] Infernal Gamers
RCTIC eSports [7-16] munkka
The line-up in the tournament:
Henri “tErppa” Väyrynen
Otto “defcon” Takala
Harri “Qad” Savunen
Dino “Dezbi” Singh
Niko “c0pz” Takala
As normally, we got a bunch of pictures and videos on a memory stick from the event but I’m too tired to make a fuss about them today. The plan of the evening would be to go to the beach with atleast SaMZ and possibly Debz and defcon to enjoy the sun and talk about the future. Many have also been hoping for a new video blog so we try to record a few words on the beach. So the organization is little by little rising its head and in the same time we get to prepare for Assembly Summer ’10 which is only under three weeks away!
Now I’m starting to get ready to go to the beach so see you next time and you too spend a nice Saturday evening!