I haven’t been blogging for a while, since I’ve been busy as hell with work. Also I’ve been taking a break before the development of the upcoming website of RCTIC. Yeah I am the guy who is responsible for the code of our upcoming website, I’ve been also behind the UX ( User Experience ) and Usability. Though I am not the designer, I’ve only been giving some heavy critique for the design so it would be something easy to use. :) It bothers me though that I haven’t been able to participate in the LAN events that our guys have been in like ESPC 2010, but what can you do, time is limited.
So our new website is under development, but what else is going on? The CS:S crew qualified into CB EuroCup and will start their journey pretty soon, that’s positive! We have also been doing some renewing to our temporary website, for example player profiles. Now you can see what kinda gear our players work with and get a closer look who we are. Check it out on our team page!
Mut now for the subject that I’ve been wanting to ask: What do you want from our upcoming website? Our goal is to create a website that has high usability, it’s fresh and more community friendly. In the future we will be blogging and writing stories more often, better and with some pictures and other media, eye candy coming up!
Get your keyboards working and tell us what do you want from our upcoming website!
Peace! – snd