Hey everyone, it’s me, Lauri “NiNLeX” Vanhanen and I’ve decided to write my very first blog! Any feedback about content I should write about in future is more than welcome! (Yes, I will be doing this in future as well, so be afraid, be very afraid) My thoughts about my first blog were that I maybe should introduce everyone to who I am and who I play with.
Since most of you don’t know me I just give a short presentation about who I am and what I do in RCTIC. I’m a dedicated gamer from Siuntio, which is about 50 kilometres west from Finland’s capital Helsinki. I’m currently part of RCTIC eSports organization and at the moment my main duty lies in being the captain of CoD4-squad.
Few weeks have passed since me and my fellow gamers joined RCTIC and we have had our ups and downs, we finished 2nd in gaming.fi cup, which was a very good achievement from us, but due to certain reasons we had to make a lineup change only 1,5 weeks before LAN. This change was kinda predicted though and we don’t have to start from a scratch, since our change concerns a guy who we had been playing with for weeks before, Jalmari, who wasn’t sure if he could join us at LAN, but now that he knew he could, we are more than happy to welcome him. But someone always has to step aside and this time it was Miikka. It is sad that he told us he won’t try to find a new team, since he is such a great guy for any team to pick up, but I’d like to wish him luck in future and apologize if we (or I ) left him with something to regret.
And so our team will be moving on with our biggest goal of the moment, Solid Mojo, being only few days away. To make success at LAN, we have to build our team potential to top, both game and mentalwise. We basically have 3 potential days to practise left, it’s not much, but we have to manage with it. And since most of you people are not familiar with my teammates, I thought it might be best if I introduced them to you! Instead of sharing their nicks, which you might already know, I think I’d like to share something else about them instead, some of my favorite quotes that is!
Janne “better won” Yläoutinen, the guy who is always laughing or making jokes, he brought me back to this game and it’s definitely worth playing with him! I think of him as an irreplaceable teammate, his game is always solid and he never rages like me! He gives us some of the best laughs on top of his amazing clutches. On top of that, he is cute <3___<3 Or well, at least he says so…
Daniel “ninlex they have typoed my nick AGAIN on that site” Jansson, being the junior of the team, he brings us the greatest talent Finnish cod4-scene has seen from such a young player. Because he is so small guy he needs something longer than his hand to get those frags and that is why we have entrusted him the role of scope in our team. It was me who picked him up last fall from the depths of Internet and trained him as my padawan and seems my apprentice has surpassed his master in terms of pure skill. And those who doubt him should watch him destroy our opponets at lan (as long as map is not mp_shittystreets as he might call it)
Santeri “I have ninlex-syndrome, I failed” Neste I don’t know that well as I know Daniel and Janne, but with the small time we have had together so far, he has proved to be a player that is always willing to learn something new. He reminds me a bit of my ex-teammate, who I could control like a robot with a remote. So I just plant him somewhere and put him on turrent mode so he can start to destroy without questioning why I put him there. But sometimes it’s better to put his chip back on “learning mode” and let him think for himself when it is time to clutch 2v5 with someone. I see him as a guy who can adjust well to playing with anyone and that’s type of a guy we need, because our team has a so different personalities.
Jalmari “I think it’s Luboshmir-time” Hakunti, he rules the game, the destroyer, the guy who is ready to play with any given weapon. He is our second smg, but in case we are in need of special long range assault assistance, he will transform into a fearsome “Luboshmir” and pick up M4 with desert camouflage to mindrape his opponets and to boost our confidence. This homie is usually top fraggin’ so he is also braggin’ about “Ima fuck ya up at LAN”.
I look forward to meeting these guys I’ve been playing with at LAN and ofcourse, win together with them! But I’m also looking forward to meet the rest of the RCTIC, since we have 3 squads attending (which is already 15 players!) and some management as well. So see you guys at LAN and good fragging!
PS. Something from my life outside of gaming. I got my driving license 2,5 weeks ago and I thought that “this is going to make my life so much easier”, but actually it’s a bit bothersome as well. My sister just called me that I need to pick her up from stables AGAIN (yes, she goes there almost every day) and the trip, “there and back” driven by Lauri Vanhanen takes about 40 minutes. But well, I guess that is just preparing for the time when I have to take my own kids to their practise, school etc.
im not so cute anymore, i cut my hair! GG nice read :)
Nice blog ninlex :)