Posts Tagged ‘tf2’

Insomnia XII is live!

October 29th, 2010

Insomnia XII event started yesterday in Pori. From our part arriving to the scene however started as late as today. In the tournaments on scene will be playing our Team Fortress 2 team and our Tekken 6 player WuMing. Part of support group will be played by SaMZ and furri from our organization.

The most important days for our players will be Friday and Saturday. Team Fortress 2 -tournament is starting at 9 PM and Tekken 6 -tournament six hours later. We’ll be releasing news during the weekend about ongoing TF2 and Tekken 6 -tournaments. The other tournaments can be followed from and Stay tuned for future updates!

P.s. Our trip to Insomnia is proudly sponsored by Finnish eSports community so be sure to check their website and public servers!

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.

Blog Fortress #3

October 25th, 2010

“Good evening” -Alfred Hitchok

You know what week it is? IT’S LAN WEEK!!! Insomnia is going to be Legen…wait for it…DARY!

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Picture of JackieBoy
Is the captain of RCTIC.tf2 and according to SaMZ a happy person!

Blog Fortress #1

October 10th, 2010


My name is Jack “JackieBoy” Tarvajärvi and i’m the captain of our TF2-squad.

Our team has started a new blog called: “Blog Fortress“. The reason is that as players we want to give you “fans” an inside in our training and our everyday life :)

A new “chapter” of Blog Fortress will come out every monday! So keep checking for more info ;)

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Picture of JackieBoy
Is the captain of RCTIC.tf2 and according to SaMZ a happy person!

DoD:S team calls it a day, RydeR goes for TF2

October 2nd, 2010

Our organization has recently faced some big chances within the gaming teams. Our Day of Defeat: Source which has been part of our organization nearly as long as RCTIC have just existed, have decided to call it a day and go their separate ways and look for new challenges.

Since Day of Defeat: Source is quite old game by now, the scene isn’t too big nowadays which makes it harder to recruit new players who has some skills and knowledge about the game. And due to this fact, our team have decided to call it a day and stop playing together. Crossi, zr0 and zagge will continue their journey in scene of DoD:S while others will be looking for new challenges from other games like TF2, HoN or SC2.

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RCTIC TF2 Minimovie is out now!

July 25th, 2010

As the title says: TucE, one of our Team Fortress 2 squad’s players, has made a neat movie about the TF2 team. It is a clean movie with cool frags and nice soundtrack. I like it, and so do you. Nicely done TucE! Remember to switch to the HD quality and play it in fullscreen mode.

Also stay tuned on our for more videos!


July 6th, 2010

Well, let me introduce myself first, I’m Santeri “SHU” Valkeejärvi. I started online gaming 2006 fall. I started as heavy public cs 1.6 gamer, after I realize that counter strike 1.6 was shit game. Then I bought Counter Strike: Source and played publics like six months. Then I found 5v5 gameform. (And also the little ones). I started playing many of clanbase matches in a day. For a while I played just with my friends and then turned to serious  clanbase gaming! With SAmZ and couple of my irl friends we started our serious-clanbase journey. Nowdays when I’m back in online gaming (thx to JackieBoy), I’m playing medic in RCTIC team fortress 2 team.

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Picture of shu
SHU plays in our TF2 squad.

Hey public hero, tweak your TF2!

June 15th, 2010

Hi y’all!

My name is Jack “JackieBoy” Tarvajärvi and I’m the captain of RCTIC.TF2. SaMZ asked me to write a blogpost about our team and first i was like: “Oh damn, that’s easy!”. But when the deadline was getting closer, I started to panic. I didn’t actually know what to write about. So because this is the second blogpost from our team and also there was a “free weekend” in TF2 I decided to write about TF2 configs and settings. So you can get more in to the game!

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Picture of JackieBoy
Is the captain of RCTIC.tf2 and according to SaMZ a happy person!

Spikeballs and rockets

May 13th, 2010

Wassup people! This is my first blog post, so don’t judge me too hard.

I’ll introduce myself first, I’m 18 years old dude from Rauma. I’ve been playing a few games competitive before picking up TF2, I started with Counter-Strike 1.6 which I played with my irl friends and after a while I moved to CS:S which I didn’t play for too long, cause I fell in love with DotA which I played for kinda long as a tourney player, but it ended when I got kicked out of team I was playing in. These days I play under the RCTIC flag a game called tf2 as a soldier.

So, now I’ll introduce the people on my team, which I have come know so well in these past weeks, and the loving RCTIC organization.

JackieBoy is our teams leader and very lovable person to be playing with. Always happy and cheerful which is one of the reason I like to play with these guys

shu a.k.a sanhu is the medic of our team, he was a scout first but due to player changes. He switched to medic class and been doing fine and is getting better and better after every game.

TucE in the other hand is our team Demoman. He is cute that’s all I have to say about him. But in the more serious way, I couldn’t have a funnier guy in our team and it’s plus that he is cute, and occasionally he kills people.

zermu is my soldier partner, don’t have nothing much to say about him, he just never talks and kills people, and occasionally listens to HIM, because he is a graverobber or somekinda of madman.

Lille is our newest addition to our team because of Yerted’s leave from our team, we have been playing with him few weeks and all I can still say that he know how to shoot and is very likable person. I’ll know more of him when I meet him up on this week end solid mojo lan.

Now for the end I got few words to say about solid mojo which our team won’t be playing on but will be on there to have fun and hanging around with the other RCTIC members which there will be over 20 and that’s kinda a lot of people attending one LAN! Personally I am excited about the fact that I get to meet my team members irl, expect for zermu he is too poor to come Helsinki and hang around with us, I’m sorry for him. Wanted to meet him too, but nothing always goes like it should.

I’ll end up my post now, so I wont bore you with this anymore. But I guess you are, have to check mine posts later on!

Picture of robo
robo plays in our TF2 team

TF2 tournament finished: dickenthrope is victorious!

March 14th, 2010

Our very first online tournament has just finished. The Team Fortress 2 Scout 2v2 Cup was a success and with 16 teams it didn’t take long to find a winner. For the winning team dickenthrope our sponsor Pelaajan Valinta is giving 2x SteelSeries QcK Mini Mousepads and Pelaajan Valinta hats from!

We will be arranging more tournaments in the future so you should follow our website and

Scout 2v2 cup live now

March 14th, 2010

The Team Fortress 2 scout 2v2 cup has started half an hour ago and the games are live. Quarter Finals will be shown in Source TV and you can get the ip’s from the official tournament channel at irc #rctic.tf2cup