RCTIC eSports welcomes CoD4 team

April 24th, 2010

Now it is official! We are officially welcoming a team that has been on a tryout for a while!

We have decided to grow up our organization once again within this year as this time we are bringing in a Call of Duty 4 team. The team is quite new as it was formed likely few months ago, by time Solid Mojo LAN was announced. Lauri “NiNLeX” Vanhanen was contacted by a team which contained three familiar players to him. After that they started to look for suitable fifth player to complete team and they decided to contact Miikka “micTAO” Lappi who then filled the last spot. However, one of the players, robez, was contacted by other team, nowadays known as x9.Syndrome and he decided to change team. Then our team had two players to fill again the last spot and boys decided to take a part in Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge and see how team works. During this cup they decided to bring in Santeri “qoop” Neste as 5th player.

Brand new RCTIC.CoD4 will be seen in action at Solid Mojo LAN within 14th to 16th of May.

Statement by NiNLeX:
Me & my teammates are very pleased to have this great opportunity to represent RCTIC eSports and all their sponsors as a CoD4-squad. After lots of talking with managers, I’m confident that RCTIC eSports is the best organization for us, being not too good or too bad. As a CoD4-squad we are eager to show our talent and dedication to the game with RCTIC backing us up with their support. Our first real test will most likely be Solid Mojo LAN, which is held at Vantaan Energia Areena 14-16.5.2010. We did well in an online-cup and we still have finals vs. current Finnish number 1. team, x9, formerly known as xtothed and Epsilon. We are doing our best to prepare to face them at LAN. I believe our team is one of those few in Finland that has potential to beat them, time will tell. Last I’d like to give shoutout to all RCTIC sponsors, because their support is really important part of our success. So a big shoutout to Ulti-mat, Genrewear, Pelaajan Valinta and Red Devil Energy Drink. Another big shoutout goes to the RCTIC management who made all this possible, especially shoutouts to SaMZ, PassengeR, RydeR, k3mpo & snd who I’ve been most in contact with. Last shoutout goes to all my teammates, current and ex. Especially to Janne, who helped me to motivate for the game once again after a longer period of inactivity. CU guys at LAN and wish our team the best of luck.

RCTIC.CoD4 contains the following players:

Lauri “NiNLeX” Vanhanen
Janne “JANNE” Yläoutinen
Daniel “dansu” Jansson
Miikka “micTAO” Lappi
Santeri “qoop” Neste

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RCTIC.CoD4 in Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge playoffs

April 21st, 2010

Today starst the playoff-stage of Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge where we will see our own Call of Duty 4 team competing. First round of playoffs will start at 18.00 CET with four matches. Then maybe later today semifinals will be played. But to the main thing, our team will be facing off Live Threatre in their match and winner win advances to semifinals and top4 placement. This match will be also streamed by Gaming.fi TV, so in 30 minutes head over to Gaming.fi/live and enjoy the game!

Round 1
18.00 CET – RCTIC eSports [2-0] Live Threatre

RCTIC eSports [2-0] Insidaz!

The Grand Final
RCTIC eSports [0-0] TBA


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RCTIC.CoD4 taking part in Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge!

April 20th, 2010

Our Call of Duty 4 team is participating in few days long online cup. Cup is arranged by Gaming.fi and is named as Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge Sponsored by Ulti-mat and GameFrame. Cup started yesterday with groupstage matches what are going to continue with three last rounds as four was played yesterday. Our team is doing pretty good as they won three matches from four and lost their only match so far against x9.Syndrome, who is the favourite to win this cup.

Yesterday’s scores:
RCTIC eSports [13-11] Hax n Skillz
RCTIC eSports [8-13] x9.Syndrome
RCTIC eSports [13-10] ION
RCTIC eSports [13-9] Luval Gaming

Today’s schedule:
19.00 CET – RCTIC eSports [13-3] Hannus Gayming
20.00 CET – RCTIC eSports [1-0] the Reksi (noshow)
21.00 CET – RCTIC eSports [13-4] Borterra

I (k3mpo) managed to have a little chat with NiNLeX from our CoD4 team to ask about how cup has gone so far and about today’s matches.

k3mpo: “Hey NiNLeX! You are taking a part in Gaming.fi CoD4 Challenge and one playday is done, how it went?”

NiNLeX: “Hello, thanks for asking, we had quite a nice day yesterday even though we weren’t exactly at the top of our game, but we had fun nevertheless. Games went smootly, we didn’t have any problems contacting our opponets or with servers. Everything went pretty smoothly.”

k3mpo: “You got only one loss this far which was against x9.Syndrome, favourites of this cup. Score wasn’t bad (13-8), could you have had chances to win that match?”

NiNLeX: “Well, we had a good start (3-0) on defense, which is our weaker side on mp_strike so my hopes were high. However, we did some mistakes and failed to win the side, but did very well to get a draw 6-6 on defense. It was time for our offense, which I was more confident about. But due to certain changes we had to make for this cup, our smokes were not on place and we had some hard time crossing the street early on so they managed to get into good defending positions and then attacking was real pain so we managed to pick only 2 rounds, one from b-side and one from a-side.”

k3mpo: “And how about today’s matches, is there any enemies that could give you some hard time and maybe try to get a tie or win?”

NiNLeX: “To be honest I think there should not be any tought opponets left in our bracket, but you can never know. Our first match vs. Hannus Gayming will most likely be the toughest out of them, but they shouldn’t give us any real trouble.

k3mpo: “Okey, thanks for your time and good luck to rest of groupmatches!”

NiNLeX: “Thanks, I hope we can do well in the cup and make it to the finals at least. As a side note, I would like to thank RCTIC eSports for their interest in our team, and I’d like to make our lineup official this weekend, which will represent our sponsors and our organization in upcoming cups and events.”


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RCTIC BOOTCAMP @ NipA’s palace

April 17th, 2010

Video by: Jonsku

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RCTIC.css in Clanbase EuroCup XXI

April 12th, 2010

Yeah, that’s right! Our very own Counter-Strike: Source team made it to this spring season’s EuroCup by qualifiers. On last Thursday our boys faced Finnish team of Team Menace.fi in qualifier match, with winner entering the cup itself and loser dropped out. Our boys went for easy 2-0 victory over Menace and therefor earned place in the EuroCup XXI.

Tournament’s admins have released the groups for this EC. There is four groups with six teams in each and our team is in group c. Group includes the following teams.

Spain Dimegio
France redLine
Switzerland MTX
Finland RCTIC eSports

First match week is from 19th to 26th of April and our boys will be facing Russia RAKETA on de_inferno.

EuroCup XXI

RCTIC.css wins Team Menace.fi in EuroCup XXI Qualifiers

April 8th, 2010

Our very own Counter-Strike: Source team made it to qualifiers of this spring’s EuroCup XXI in Clanbase. They started their journey tonight, around two hours ago with match against other finnish team, Team Menace.fi. Match started off with Team Menace’s map choice, de_dust2. Our team started d2 with terrorists side and they didn’t give anykind of chances to opponent, finishing first half with score of 13-2. On CT-side our team took the needed 3 rounds while Menace got three rounds, ending first map with score of 16-5. Then was time to move on to our team’s choice, de_train. Our guys started off with CT-side, where they took quite strong lead, even tho it wasn’t as strong as in d2 after first half, but still it was 10-5. Moving on to terrorists, our team continued great performance. After playing 10 rounds on second half match was over as second half ended up with 6-4 in favour of our team and 16-9 as final score in de_train.

RCTIC.css [2-0] Team Menace.fi
de_dust2: 16-5
de_train: 16-9

Congratulations for our guys for winning the first qualifier match!

EuroCup XXI

Pelaajan Valinta: Special offer for C&C3: Tiberium Wars

April 5th, 2010

One of our sponsors, Pelaajan Valinta, have yet again decided to do something in their game selections. Last time we reported about pre-ordering the upcoming Medal of Honor for PC and this time we are reporting about their special offer for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars – Kane Edition, which is for PC also.

C&C3: Tiberium Wars – Kane Edition was published in early 2007 by Electronic Arts (EA). Normally Pelaajan Valinta sells this game for around 53 euros but with this special offer, they are willing to sell it for price of 26,90 euros! So, if you like Command & Conquer games or have ever thought about buying one and test it, do not hesitate and just order your copy!

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Published: 29th of March, 2007
Delivery time: 2 to 9 working days
Delivered by: Letter

Now it’s time for you to head over Pelaajan Valinta and order your copy of this PC-game! And by the way, game’s introduction is in finnish but atleast minimum requirements for hardware are in english.

Enjoy the ride

March 28th, 2010

Right before the ESPC I think it’s proper to tell something about our plans. Things have been going fast back and forth and there is no time to even see what’s going on. There isnt enough time for everything, so we have been forced to priorize our tasks. Still our notebooks are full of plans and we are trying to get them done, little by little.

So what’s going on in the organization?

What comes to the content, our accents have been going for visual materia from events. Our hard drives have several hours of videomaterial from lan events and bootcamps, where they are waiting for editing. So you should wait for lots of new videos and what comes to the text content, we are trying to boost them up with some amazing photography. A new videocamera is in “must have list”, so hopefully we will get some funds for that ASAP.

In these past weeks, we’ve been designing our new website and the first raw versions been done. There are still some arguements within management, but the main point is to bring out something fresh and as you know things don’t happen’ in couple of days, so pation is required even though we would like to offer you something more already.

How’s our games going?

I must say that I am feeling privileged that I can play in such a great team. The passions and persistence that glows from our players is infectious. It’s cool to walk home from work knowing that the same people are still swiping their mice and going for the top even though the day before hasn’t gone so well.

On the other hand I am bit sad that we had to change a player after january’s events, but at this moment I can say that our team is more balanced and the team spirit is rising. What comes to our team play and tactics, well.. they need to be whet. There has been lots of progress and our goals are being build up and focused on the coming fall.

On spring and summer our plans is to get as much experience as we can get from finnish tournaments and at the same time to rise our team spirit with RCTIC parties. Our next event, where you can see us will be this weekend at Helsinki. After the upcoming ESPC 2010, our plan is to visit couple of events before fall.

Final Words..

Last week me and SaMZ were driving a long way to see one of our sponsor. While sitting in the car and rolling our thumbs we noticed again that the destination is just a part of the journey. So let’s enjoy the ride with open heart! The road will not end short.

Picture of PassengeR
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.

RCTIC.cs undergoes changes

March 24th, 2010

A bit over one month ago we decided to bring in a Finnish Counter-Strike 1.6 team of waterloo. Since then they have been playing more or less active. All was fine until team faced some internal problems which caused two players, Toni “chuNk” Saarinen and Jesse “jezi” Nurmi, to go inactive and therefor our three remaining players had to start looking for replacements. After looking for suitable players for a while, our boys found Jukka “JukkaN” Hopeavuori and Henri “tErppa” Väyrynen, who both are former players of Antura.

RCTIC.cs team will be seen in action at upcoming Solid Mojo LAN later this spring.

RCTIC.cs consists of

Rolf “FOOZE” Frid
Jukka “JukkaN” Hopeavuori
Henri “tErppa” Väyrynen
Rami “caqtRr” Valve
Jarno “frieze” Lindholm

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RCTIC welcomes new sponsor: Ulti-mat!

March 23rd, 2010

We here at RCTIC eSports are delighted to announce that we have found a new sponsor which is Finnish company of . Ulti-mat has been in world of businesses for 10 years now as company was founded back in 2000.

Ulti-mat is very excited to sponsor a new, professional and all-finnish team to gain more visibility both in finnish and overseas market areas. From this sponsorship we hope to get even more help from gamers to design, test and develop professional gaming products.” says Sami Virtakoski, the CEO of Ulti-mat Ltd.

We are happy to announce a partnership with Ulti-mat Ltd. We have been scouting for a partner that has a great line of products and a great attitude spiced up with a fresh vision at finnish eSports scene. Ulti-mat is all the above and we believe that the partnership will be long lasting and productive for both parties.“ says Natanael Sinisalo, the PR Manager of RCTIC eSports

About Ulti-mat Ulti-mat Ltd was founded in 2000 in Helsinki, Finland. The first Ulti-mat mouse pad version was manufactured in 2002. Ulti-mat Ltd launched the first completed mouse pad on the 2nd of August 2004 at the Assembly04 event in Helsinki. Since then Ulti-mat has developed three high-end mouse pads and other high quality accessories including mouse feet. Ulti-mat products can be found in many countries. All Ulti-mat products are designed in Finland. Make sure to take a better look what kind of gear Ulti-mat manufactures at their website, . Also, feel free to join their group at !