RCTIC Weekend Games #1

February 19th, 2011

Viime keskiviikkona 16. helmikuuta julkistimme uuden tempauksemme RCTIC Weekend Gamesin. Weekend Games on saanut positiivisen vastaanoton ja kiitämme siitä teitä ja lupaamme, että ette tule pettymään!

Nyt olisi aika julkistaa ensimmäinen RCTIC Weekend Games! Se järjestetään 11.-12. maaliskuuta 2011 ja peleinä ovat Counter-Strike: Source sekä Call of Duty 4. Tiedot sekä ilmottautumis ohjeet löydät alla olevasta tiedotteesta!

RCTIC Weekend Games #1
RCTIC Weekend Games

Picture of News

RCTIC Weekend Games!

February 16th, 2011

Tässä on maaliskuun yllätyksemme teille Pelaajat!

RCTIC Weekend Games on suomalaisille verkkopelaajille tarkoitettu pelaamisen online viikonloppu, jossa jokaiselle päivälle (Pe-Su) on jonkun verkkopelin One Night Cup. Tarkoituksena on saada aktiivisuutta Suomen peliskeneen ja tarjota suomalaisille pelaajille mahdollisuus kohdata toisensa taistoissa, ja ottaa selvää kuka on skenen kovin!

Lue lisää täältä!

Picture of News

RCTIC @ WASM11 #3: The last day

February 13th, 2011

I think LANs are about to be over for our part. We decided to go to sleep after SC2 final around 00:00 and woke up at 07:00. We’ll be leaving something like 13.00. We’ve been having pretty fun time here and enjoying the game compos.

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

RCTIC @ WASM11 #2: On the scene

February 12th, 2011

Here we are at our computer place chilling out. We have added some pictures to our Facebook and videos to YouTube channel so check them out. We apologize the quality but it’s the best me and ekk1N are able to. :D

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

RCTIC @ WASM11 #1: Starting!

February 10th, 2011

Tha homies: tepid & ekk1N

Tomorrow it starts!

So as we threatened me (tepid) and ekk1N from our CoD2 squad shall be on the scene during Winter Assembly 2011 at Kaapelitehdas! We are well prepared with equipment which allows us to immortalise every face in there as still and moving pictures. Fear our lenses!

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Picture of tepid
Tepid is a member of staff in RCTIC and does all sorts of things from writing to craptalk.

Win your own Ulti-Mat Breathe F-X3 mousepad with your own print on it!

February 9th, 2011

Want to get a mousepad with your own print on it? Now you got a chance for getting one. Ulti-Mat is offering you this unique chance as they’re willing to give three Ulti-Mat Breathe F-X3 mousepads with your own print on it.

All you need to do do is that you have to become fan of Ulti-Mat’s facebook page before 1st of April 2011. After that they will select three people randomly who will win the mentioned mousepad with their own print on it!

Picture of News

RCTIC eSports welcomes Game42 as new sponsor!

February 3rd, 2011


Today we here at RCTIC eSports are delighted to welcome one more sponsor to support our organization! This time we’re welcoming a finnish company which is a gameserver provider. We are looking forward to have a long and good sponsorship with Game42.

I managed to get in touch with one guy from Game42 and did very short “interview”, where he tells about company’s history and what he thinks about sponsorship with us.

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Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in Gaming.fi, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

Welcome, Heroes of Newerth!

January 31st, 2011

We have been decided to increase our numbers and the next game we shall support is Heroes of Newerth! The Finnish team we took under our name was previously called MaeY.

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It’s official! RCTIC brings in a Call of Duty 2 team!

January 20th, 2011

Few months back, back in 2010 we announced that we are taking in a finnish Call of Duty 2 team, but on a trial period. Now we have decided to make it official to have a CoD2 team under our wings. Team has performed quite well online and they visited at [flag fi] Lantrek 2011 event last weekend, where they however didn’t make it to playoffs.

Statement by Niko “ekk1n” Jauhiainen
“We are thankful that RCTIC decided to recruit us into their organization. RCTIC and their sponsors offers all needed support for us. We are going to continue playing at ClanBase’s ladders and also in online tournaments. We’re also aiming to attend all possible LANs with CoD2 in Finland and possibly even travel to Croatia by next summer for upcoming Gamersject LAN. -PEACE!”

RCTIC.CoD2 consists of

[flag fi] Niko “ekk1n” Jauhiainen
[flag fi] Aleksi “rolezeh” Nieminen
[flag fi] Aapo “Bitti” Salo
[flag fi] Juha “emil” Nykänen
[flag fi] Jouni “pabn1” Mäkelä
[flag fi] Janne “omena” Järvinen

Picture of k3mpo
k3mpo is a person who has been working in eSports-scene for years for now. Nowadays working as news writer in Gaming.fi, and being Editor in Chief and one of the founders of RCTIC eSports.

LanTrek 2011 Win!

January 16th, 2011

Maintained my LanTrek championship by defeating Hemosa in the finals. I used mainly Bruce in the tough matches, but also some Lars. There was an okayish Kuma player I didn’t get to play against. I won Hemosa in Winners finals 3-2 and then 3-0 in the grand finals, 3-0 against Fraeon. I also didn’t get to play against Hemosa’s friend Potta, who has an okayish Steve.

The tournament displays were awful once again. The LG TV had loads of input lag, my estimate would be something like 30 frames. Luckily there was a CRT TV as the other game station. But even that was somehow weird with timings – my guess is that it was an old 50hZ TV instead of the normal 60hZ so it was probably running only 50fps. The tournament format was very good compared to last year – round robin with 4 groups of 4 and then a double elimination bracket of top8. Round robin was bo3 matches, bo5 rounds and the bracket was bo5 matches, bo5 rounds so Hemosa would’ve had to defeat me 6 times in the grand finals. But as we know he didn’t. :)

My prize for #1 is a 50€ gift card to TrioSoft and 6 months subscription of MikroBitti magazine. Hemosa got a box of Teho energy drink. :)

Next tournament will be Winter Assembly in 4 weeks time. See you there!

Thanks to all the supporters and sponsors, especially RCTIC’s cod2 team!

Picture of WuMing
WuMing is RCTIC's Tekken player, the first sponsored fighting game player in Finland. WuMing is also building & organising the scenes of all gamers, especially fighting gamers.