I have to admit that there’s starting to be a bit of excitement about the upcoming event. I have already used to that we were going to LANs with our CS:S team and Jonsku. Now that’s gonna change as there will be over 20 members from our organization attending Solid Mojo and 15 from total amount is there to play in competitions. You just couldn’t have imagined a situation like this like half year ago but atleast it makes you smile.
The last week before the event is always really busy one. Already few days has been spent with getting things done and still there’s plenty things to do. Had to do a vector-version of the logo for new t-shirt, fix some things on website, think about coverage and other stuff. But it’s always good to push up a little more before an event. Tasklist is getting emptier even tho days feels really long. We managed to get our t-shirts for Solid Mojo into printing phase just in time and resources for doing coverage is likely handled. We are aiming to publish news, blogs (even videoblog) and of course pictures during the event. Besides all this, we’re thinking of arranging few competitions for all of you, our fellow fans out there! Let’s just hope that we don’t forget anything special.
Also getting good gear for photoshoots is keeping me busy. My own job as photographer in news paper is ending within this week and earlier LANs and bootcamps I have photoshooted with gear from my working place. But for this event it’s not possible anymore. The payment for new DSLR body is already gathered but it isn’t 100 percent sure that i’m going to get it by Friday. So, everybody should put their thumps up for this!
The last week before event is also being noticed in other team’s behaviour. Time spent for practising has rised and there’s always some minor conflicts in teams also. However, it would be really great that teams also remember to have some fun during the event and afterwards also.
I am feeling a little sad for this event anyways. There was total amount of over 1000 computer places and under half of them has been booked. The prize amounts has been cut quite much already and there must be many persons from The Group (organizers of this event) thinking about this situation. Let’s hope that players would just decide to get into the event even without computer and just spectate the tournaments. It’s possible to get into there and follow really great matches with the cost of just few movietickets. Again with this little investing we could get the Finnish eSports scene to rise up a bit.
But now, it’s time to put some more gas and let’s see ya at Solid Mojo!