July 17th, 2010
It’s been quiet around organisation for past two months. People just don’t have time to put effort that much for the organisation during summer vacations and with some work issues. It’s a fact that everybody here in Finland lack motivation for eSports at summer so maybe it’s not just me who doesn’t do anything around gaming.
As you can see, there’s no big news about tournaments and line-up changes in our website and I’m sad to say that few of our players have left RCTIC because they were going to play at different clan or just quit gaming because of personal reasons. No-one just knows what our teams are going to do with those situations and that’s why we don’t know how things with their line-up’s are going to be. We are going to write more about those changes and some other things when we know more about them. That’s sure.
Tomorrow our Counter-Strike squad is going to play at Finnish WCG qualifiers in Gaming Center Level 7 at Helsinki. We headed to Helsinki today because their first game starts so early. My journey started when I woke up just 20 minutes before tErppa was going to take me aboard and my backpack wasn’t packed yet so those 20 minutes was pretty hectic for some reason.. Somehow i managed myself to tErppa’s car and we were ready to hit the road. First stop was at Joutsa where we met defcon who came aboard too.
Travelling by road wasn’t the best idea when the day was warm and sun was shining from solid sky. Somehow we found ourselves at Helsinki after sweating few hours in tErppa’s wheeled and seated oven. We left our car somewhere near Helsinki and headed to beer garden by bus just to relax before event. We had little chat about games and laughter for line-up issues and at some point we found Dezbi and SaMZ hanging with us. After few hours we went to eat at some restaurant.
After dinner some of us had plans for afternoon and I decided to go at my grandparent’s place by SaMZ car. During travel we talked few words about qualifiers and some other stuff. Tomorrow is going to be a good but pretty hectic day.
Now it’s time to get some sleep because SaMZ is going to pick me aboard at 9 a.m. Good night and see you tomorrow!
PassengeR works around our PR stuff and in many esports projects around the finnish scene such as shoutcaster. He had also played in our CS:S and DoD:S squads.
Tags: cs 1.6, helsinki, lan, WCG
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